幾年前從連卡佛買入Mariage Freres既Darjeeling Princeton,就一直愛上,要每日起身喝起碼一杯才可。可惜近幾個月,連卡佛已沒有出售Darjeeling。在擔心快要飲完手上的存貨,剛好Magenta到Paris睇show。她們十分好人,幫我在Paris店買了Darjeeling Princeton 茶葉!


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好耐冇介紹過好食地方,今次忍唔住要介紹新蒲崗成記牛什粉麵。我同老公差不多每個星期也去一次,我自己覺得佢既牛丸係全香港最好食! 不過成記係好街坊小店,光顧通常到街坊,可能有d污糟,如大家怕就不用去。不過我同老公都特登揸車去成記,而且我仲著到靚靚咁都去食,因為好味!!


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Look of the day : Cheap Monday Camo print tee + Toga Cardigan + Cheap Monday Skinny Jeans + Toga metal plate belt  + Celine Trio Bag + Celine sungalsses + Vintage Shade Shawl + Rick Owens Boots


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kidult,有孩子心既大人! 好多人話老公永遠係大仔,佢啦地心底裡有一份孩子心,我老公亦不例外! 他兒時好喜愛 Lego,在於年幼afford唔起,所以到自己長大有能力時就去滿足呢個"情意結"! 因為新屋大好多,多些空間放較大的Lego,所以今次就買了這London Bridge。


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Last Sunday, it was a sunny day so....go for hair cut! Look of the day : Dress Monster grey jumpsuit + AA Cropped top + red print scraf (online shop) + Celine clogs + Celine Trio Bag + Celine sunglasses + how and what pin bracelet 


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去西貢買餸,Look of the day : Ann Sofie Back tunic + random legging + MBT kisumu 2 + how and what pin bracelet + AA circle scraf + Sissi Rossi leather bag


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近星期因心情不好,所以冇shopping,呢件Johanna Ho ruffle top係3個星期前在連卡佛買的。


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抱歉這幾天沒有更新網誌! 因為十分擔心日本,希望福島核電廠問題可解决,不再造成更多傷害。如各位係佛教徒,請到以下網址 (香港佛光道場),為日本抄心經來祈福! 誠心希望核電廠問題可解决! 祝日本人民平安! http://www.phimedia.tv/earthquake_jp_2011/index.aspx?site_abbr=ibps  如其它宗教, 請你們為日本人民祈禱!!!  


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Look of the day : Wool dress from online shop + Blue Hero grey leather jacket + Johanna Ho Ruffle belt + Balenciaga motocycle Bag + Random faux leather legging + Bless boots


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因心情不好,近日冇心情shopping,只比住look of the day大家睇(唔記得係上星期邊一日)! Dress Monster message tee + grey belt + Cheap Monday skinny jeans + Tsumori Chisato wool cardigan + Vivienne Westwood pirate boots + Chanel 2.55 handbag 


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Look of the day : Toga batwing knit top + Toga Belt + Future Classic track pants + Celine Trio Bag + Toga wristband + Bless Boot


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見到呢條Johanna Ho Ruffle belt,覺得好靚,仲有些似Borga Margo既 belt,當然比Borga Margo平好多啦!


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昨晚老公回家,帶了一大袋Tsumori Chisato既毛巾回來 ,是他的同事送比我哋新屋入伙禮物! 在些謝過P小姐^.^


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Look of the day : Cheap monday grey top + Izzue shoulder padded tee + Future Classic track pants + Blue heros leather jacket + leopard print scraf from online + Bless boots + Celine 2 tone tote bag


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星期日晚欣賞了王菲演唱會,以約定來開場,下着人造雪,感覺很美。聽到約定亦勾起不少回憶! (鼻子也酸一酸) 王菲整晚都十分有水準,近乎完美的演釋,無懈可擊的舞台效果!


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