星期四,出城去拆骨是也! look of the day : Dress Monster Pattern Jumpsuit + Yeah Right! scarf + how and what pin bracelet + Balenciaga motocycle Bag + MMM boots


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Creature de Keis 係近年我喜愛的本地設計,他十分善長將不同布料併lace或者併絲巾,而且每件衫也有多種著法。今次買了這件lace + t-shirt既top,是被背面的lace所吸引! 太美了!!


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Sunday,同老公去我哋最愛食店之一Sabatini食Holiday Brunch 慶祝他生日! Look of the day : Petar Petrov one piece dress + Tsumori Chisato leggings + Yeah Right! scarf + Celine envelope bag + Toga Wristband + Celine sunglasses + Repetto flat shoes


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呢條Petar Petrov 既 one piece裙,初初覺得一般,但一試上身覺得cutting+分之好,忍唔住買了回家。我買了黑色,另有navy blue 同brown color!


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Look of the day : Black dress Puma by Hussein Chalayan + black tee by Tsumori + Yeah Right Scarf + Random faux leather legging + Celine 2 tone pouch + Dr. Martin Leopard print boots  


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Look of the day : Dress Monster Blue  top + Johanna Ho Ruffle belt + Blue Heors Leather jacket + Cheap Monday ankle jeans + MMM Boots + Celine Trio Bag + Yeah Right! scraf


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行經連卡佛,被這對leopard print的Dr. martin boot深深吸引,細看之下是馬尾毛,而這鞋的物料是Opening Ceremony提供的!IMG_5924.JPG


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Look of the day : AT down jacket + Yeah Right Scraf + Dress monster wool sweater + wool skirt from online shop + Celine wool legging + Celine 2 tone pouch + MBT White Kisumu 2


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Housewarming of our new house last Saturday,prepare to go out for shopping of seafood for the dinner!! Look of the day : Random black tee + T by Alexdanar Wang Cape + Stripe harem pants from online + Yeah Right! scraf + White MBT kisumu 2 + Sissi Rossi leather bag IMG_1528a.JPG


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各位美女,之前介紹過Yeah Right! scarf,但唔容易買。呢個online shop "One ness"  http://shop.one-ness-fukuoka.com/?pid=30440020 有2011 SS Yeah Right! scarf 賣,4月中會返貨!不過唔送國外,如真想買,可揾"日本主婦" http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/japanhousewifeshop 代購。 

yeah right.jpg  

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Look of the day : Oh my god black coat + Cheap Monday Tunic + Yeah Right Scraf + Toga metal plate belt + Toga Wristband + MMM boots + Celine Trio bag 


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日本品牌Yeah Right! 係好似手作仔的品牌,他們產量不多。上年已好喜歡她們的scraf,可惜Liger只返了極少貨!


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某日收到Chanel Beauty寄來的信,話有條Little black key比我,我都唔知係咩嘢...咁去到指定Chanel counter pick up。原來係一個會員record,好似member card咁。


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Look of the day : T by Alexdanar Wang Cape + Future Classics track pants + Vintage Shade shawl + izzue shoulder padded top + Toga wristband + Balenciaga motocycle Bag + Oh my god platform sneaker


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上星期係連卡佛shopping,試了這件 T by Alexander Wang Cape top,覺得好有型,就帶了返屋企!


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