上週日,陪老公去Chanel買礼物比人,我就波蘿雞死痴...買了這份小東西! Packing實在極之美!!!! Sunday買了,一直唔捨得拆,直到今日才打開!


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星期日,老公讓着要去shopping! Look of the day : H&M faux leather top + Izzue shoulder padded tee + Izzue Wool Coat + Cheap Monday nett ovelay skirt + Toga Triangle necklace + Random black legging + Oh my god platform sneaker + how and what pin bracelet + Chanel Handbag


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上星期到連卡佛逛逛,見到Cheap Monday有新貨,係迷彩系列。坦白說衣櫃內真的沒有這pattern,所以一口氣買了2個items。首先呢件迷彩top,襯牛仔褲 or harem pants都得!


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星期六去睇Joey concert! Look of the day (Zara day!) : Zara grey tunic + Zara leopard scraf + Zara cape + random faux leather leggings + Celine 2 tone shopping bag + how and what pin bracelet + Bless boots


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今晚已是第2晚睇容祖兒 No. 6 concert,完全感受到Joey 100%的附出。雖然我唔係Joey歌迷,但22晚睇完,老公即撲尾場飛! 除了老公既女神林憶蓮,他從不會在同一concert睇2場! Joey真係香港樂壇出色的女歌手!


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Friday,出街shopping是也! Izzue see thru tunic + Izzue shoulder padded tee + H&M tank top + how and what 2 ways belt + random faux leather legging + Bless Boot + Tsumori chisato leopoard print  bag + how and what pin bracelet


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Ladurée係巴黎出名甜點蛋糕店,今次Laduree係Joyce開了pop up store。我們真幸福,不用飛到巴黎也可到美味的macaroon!IMG_4428.JPG


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星期三晚小姨甥滿月宴, TC look..... H&M faux leather top + Tsumori Chisato skirt + Tsumori tights + Rick owen boot + Izzue wool coat


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Look of Tuesday : Izzue black tunic + Izzue shoulder padded tee + Blue Heros leather jacket + Faliero Sarti Cashmere silk scraf + how and pin what bracelet + random black legging + Oh my god platform sneaker + Tsumoir leopard print fur bag


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繼續韓風....再訂了這how and what belt。我相信大家對how and what應有印象,這是韓國品牌。除了之前pin bracelet,他們也有時裝及accessories! 係綱上見到這belt,就即訂回來。


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星期日一早就要起身,去新屋睇裝修! Look of the day : Dress Monster unbalance tee + Izzue shoulder padded tee + AA Harem pants + MBT Kisumu 2 + Toga wristband + Tsumor Chisato leopard print fur bag + Faliero Sarti Cashmere silk scraf 


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Dress Monster 真係價錢不貴而質料很好,係綱上訂又了這件Dress Monster unbalance natural tee,cutting 不規則,好特別。


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星期六去了Tsumori Chisato IFC Grand opening既party,當日係IFC 4/F "The Box"同時舉行二十週年展覽,展出30套Tsumori Chisato既show piece,(1991-2008)。Tsumori san當日更現身party,為展覽opening。


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今日去了Tsumori Chisato IFC 店既Grand Opening + 20th Anniversary Show.  Look of Satruday : Tsumori Chisato Cardigan + Tsumori 泡泡裙 + Izzue shoulder padded top + i.t. puzzle 毛毛鞋套 + Toga wristband + Oh my god platform sneaker + Tsumori leopard print fur handbag 


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