記得以前介紹過Vintage Shades這印度皇室的品牌,他們每一條圍巾是用人手造! 但自從上次後,一直找不到地方購買!2星期前在綱上找到臺灣的"絲顏精品 S.Y BOUTIQUE",知道她們有Vintage Shades,實在太開心!於是從她們的online shop http://tw.user.bid.yahoo.com/tw/booth/Y4155710129 ,買了這條今年秋冬款式! 


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Look for the day : Zara Tokyo Tee + Zara shorts + Isabel Marant sneaker + Joomi Lim Punk Carnival Neon Spike Choker + Balenciaga bag


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Want some color for the rainy days! Got this Joomi Lim studs necklace at EDIT! Really Love it!!!


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之前提過Sacai,今次講下我另一個喜歡的品牌 - Toga!不過近幾季Toga cutting比較貼身,我這個肥婆就要棄權!

TOGA_Orange and Navy Dress_HKD5800  

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Love tee these days! I saw this tee at Zara last week and love it because the word at the back "Tokyo"!!! I love Tokyo!


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Nail color for this week... who polish? by myself!


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Look for N day : Sacai Dress + Givenchy sandals + Chanel bag


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<Repost>今次去東京,已沒有瘋狂shopping,只買一些超喜愛及平日一定會著既items,好似今次係南青山Tsumori Chisato買了2件好喜愛的items! 其中這條2013 resort line既one piece,我超喜歡! 上半身好似cardigan,下半身是傘裙。


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Sacai是我近年十分喜歡的品牌,之前更去過她們東京店! 秋冬又快來臨,多謝Joyce的公關通知,近日sacai又返了新一批FW items,同大家分享一下!! 


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 不明白為何日本的運動服總比其他國家靚,所以每次去日本,老公一定會買Nike波鞋。今次他買了Nike flyknit波鞋,我亦忍不住也買了一對!


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Sunset!  3.1 Philip Lim top + Zara patched jeans+ MMM Flat + Valentino studs bag


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 近期好愛這甲油, peach color! 我係Log-On買既, $30多元仲好好搽,好過OPI.... 


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I love the design of Sacai, it is simple and comfortable! Sacai dress + Givenchy sandals + Chanel bag + Hermes bracelet


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Look for the day : Stylein dress @ EDIT + Giuseppe Zanotti necklace + Hermes bracelet + Valentino studs heels + Chanel bag


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